Monday, January 13, 2014

Indecision, Thy Name is Us

I can't believe I am still successful with daily posts for 2014. I shouldn't get too cocky as it is early in the year and there 352 chances to screw up ahead of me. Whether or not the posts have actually contained useful information is kind of a subjective element that I can't really be sure of.

Today's useful bit of information is that we still don't know where we are going with the tiles on the fireplace. We have decided we prefer eight across the top rather than ten. 

But then we gots to talkin' bout stenciling the existing tiles. We've talked about it before but never really pursued the idea. But now that we are so much more proficient with stenciling, the idea is haunting us again.

And so, indecision reigns.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I vote stencil. If you don't like the result, just coat and re-stencil. If dissatisfied with the result, repeat the process until you're at last satisfied, OR the desire to destroy the tiles becomes overpowering. If the latter outcome eventuates, I recommend a small sledge hammer and a tall beer.