Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Blue Ribbon Sheet Shopping

With all of Susan's jobs and everything we have going this week, we only had a couple of opportunities to go to the fair. Tonight was one of them and we seized upon it.

So I met Susan after work at her office and we trundled over to the fairgrounds. It was a chilly night and Susan wasn't quite properly dressed. We tried to stay in buildings as much as we could.

We have a specific set of criteria on our fair agenda and it must be checked off just so.

The first thing was a quick trip through the varied industries portion of the fair. This is the section with all the vendors hocking their wares. We made it through without buying anything or even wanting to buy anything.

Next, I got my Elephant Ear and Susan got her much coveted, much desired, much cherished Corndog. She had been gravely disappointed by the Corndog she got at the Iowa Fair. Then we went back to the second portion of the varied industries and bought some sheets.

The next agenda item was to see how we did in the wine competition.

At this point we must accept the ruling of the judges and offer our congratulations to Ellen Miller who got a Reserved Grand Champion for her Red Moon Wine.

She also got a Blue Ribbon for her label which we feel was not deserved, even though we must accept the ruling of the judges.

Our Petite Verdot got a third Place Ribbon and our faded Cabernet which we called "Pink Cab" got a Blue Ribbon.

I also got a Reserve Grand Champ for the "Pink Cab" label which really surprised me. I thought Susan's label for the Verdot was much better, but only garnered a Blue Ribbon.

I forgot to bring my camera so I have no pictures.

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