Friday, May 20, 2011

Bike to Work Week - Or Not!

I am a huge disappointment to myself, my community, the country and yes, God. Well, the God one we all knew about. That will be rectified tomorrow when the world ends. Some nut ball preacher has figured out all the Bible code and declared that the world ends tomorrow. I'm glad I'm getting paid today. I don't think I'll be making out any bills quite yet.

The main reason I am such a giant failure is I failed to roll out of bed this morning in time to ride my bike to work. The Bedroom Gravity Well is a tough nut to crack. But you know what? I'm over it!

I am ready for a big weekend of activity. I have borrowed the truck from my buddy Rob and am ready to haul. There is a Neighborhood Trash Day Event tomorrow and I am taking advantage of the free dumping. I expect to make two trips.

I will gather up the copious amounts of feral debris, crap and rubbish inundating the estate and haul it the three blocks to the dump site. Then I will return and re-fill with the extensive earthen carnage (known jokingly as "Clean Green") I have created over the winter months and off load that bundle.

Then I will spend the rest of my morning helping to run the show at the Neighborhood Trash Day.

Once the afternoon arrives and becomes my own, I have a donation run to make to the Habitat for Humanity store. I'm sure I'll find a couple of other errands to run involving the truck.

The day will end with a hostage taking. Susan does not have to work Saturday night as she had anticipated and so I am required to attend the 109th running of the Lilac Interstate Parade and Jubilee in the downtown area of the Spokaloo.

it's probably not the 109th year of the parade, but it will seem like it. I'm sure the 109th will look exactly like the one tomorrow. I'm sorry for not being a huge parade booster, but if you've seen one...yadda yadda yadda.

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