Monday, May 02, 2011

The List!!!

It is time to try an experiment. There is a lot to do around this house and I really want to get some of it done. But, we have a problem. I lack focus! So, how does one create focus?

That's Right! A List. You create a list of the things you want done. And so, I have scribed and dated
"The List".
It will serve as my guide for quick easy things to be accomplished.  It's dated so it will remind me how long I take to do stuff.
What follows now is a pictorial guide to "The List".

 Fix Squirrel Damaged Trim. I intend to fix it by replacing it.
 Remove stump and roots. "This will be a fun day", he said sarcastically.Easier said than done but it must be done. This area pictured above is the future home of some sort of bricked breezeway sort of thing. I want it bricked in the area where the hose is. It gets crappy light there and the grass grows poorly. Probably because it's in competition with all the roots!
 Clean the East Front Flower Bed. Lots of roots!
 Smell the Tulips. For the sake of momentum, it's important to have an item on the list that's easy to
cross off.
 Finish cleaning West Front Flower Bed. Yeah, Dumbass! Finish what you started!
 Move Arbor Vitae to Hole. See that Arbor Vitae on the right? See that hole back by the fence? I believe you get the picture!
Rain Gutter on Front of House. What I mean here is to install a rain gutter and place it on the front of the an area that is consistent with the smooth operation of a rain gutter. I might even consider those decorative chains or something like that for the down spouts. I've already priced this job out and I can get the stuff for about $150.00.

Okay, I'm about to hit "Publish",upon which time the clock starts ticking on....

..."The List".

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