Monday, May 23, 2011

Do the Hustle

One of my true strengths is accomplishing tasks after the fact. In that regard, I rode my bike to work today. Sure, "Ride your Bike to Work Week" ended on Friday but that did not dissuade me in riding my bike today.

I almost didn't make it this morning but decided to go for it. I over slept and knew that I really had to hustle if I was going to make the bus. I really made an effort to get downtown as fast as I could and I am still feeling a little shaky in my well honed legs. Well honed for sitting that is.

The one factor that really persuaded me to ride was the weather forecast. It does not look promising for the rest of the week and I really need to ride the bike more...perhaps turning the mythology of my well honed legs into somewhat of a factology.

I made it to the Bus Plaza with minutes to spare so now I know I can sleep as late as 6:10 and still make the bus at 6:42, but there will be "hustle" involved. That is not a word commonly associated with Stan.

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