Sunday, May 01, 2011

Bloomsday, May Day, Osama Bin Dead Day

Susan ran Bloomsday today and did it in one hour and twenty-two minutes and an unimportant number of seconds. As with every year, she is happy it is over. Now we move on to the next challenges life has to throw at us. Next up, Mother's Day and the Tour of Homes on that weekend.

Today was pretty much a waste as far as getting anything done. I went canoeing while Susan ran and had fun doing that. Then I scurried back downtown to get a table at the traditional post Bloomsday feast. We drank quite a portion of beer and then came home and napped.

We woke up around five and managed to get ourselves together enough to go across the park and enjoy a party one of our neighbors was having. Diane and Eraz moved in last year. As you might guess from his name, Eraz is not from here. He is Israeli. That is, until today. He became an American Citizen after quite a long ordeal.

On a day when we were able to celebrate a new citizen, it was appropriate and poinient to celebrate the demise of Osama Bin Laden. We got the news late in the evening of some announcement coming from the President. After 45 minutes of speculation by the various news outlets we watched, President Obama came on the tube and made the announcement.

This is not the type of thing you would want to go out and start partying about, but I'm certainly not going to lose any sleep over the death of that Asshole.

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