Saturday, May 21, 2011

My Armageddon Tired

You're reading this and I'm writing it so we are both still here. What does the dumb ass Ass Wipe Preacher Harold Camping have to say for himself now?

It has been an exciting day of much activity and accomplishment. So much so that we are going to celebrate and drink semi-heavily.

The day started with a bit of rain. But it was only a threat to remind everyone of the coming apocalypse.

We had our neighborhood Garbage dump day over at a nearby church with a huge parking lot. We filled 7 eight yard dumpsters before the scheduled time ran out. We had one dumpster filled by 8:45 and we weren't scheduled to start until nine.

We all thought it was very successful and we were amazed at the turn out. When you think about it though, OF COURSE it was successful. Free dumping right in your neighborhood. It would only get better if we gave away beer...and we'll think about that for next year.

It was great for Susan and I because I cleaned up a lot of crap that was starting to build up around the house. Now I can start all over again.

After the dump party, I hauled some stuff to the Habitat store and then borrowed an edger to...well, do some edging duh!

While all this was going on, the Wall Paper Master spun her web of paste and completed two very difficult paper installations, one of them (probably the most difficult) by herself.
Pretty impressive, if you ask me. And even if you're not asking, I'm telling you.

We ended the day with a jaunt downtown to enjoy the Lilac Parade. We were joined by friends Ron, Kelly and Mark.

What I find most enjoyable about the parade is that you can walk right into the Olive Garden without having to wait. They seated us right next to a window were we could look out and see what was going on.

After dinner, we went out and actually watched the parade from the sidewalk. I figure we are now good for a couple of years. Susan doesn't seem to figure the same as I.

Finally, I would like to extol the virtues of a good pair of work boots. The boots pictured below have been with me for over 30 years. I first bought them at a store called the Two Swabbies when I got a summer job working at a lumber mill in Coeur d'Alene.
I wore them everyday of that summer while I suffered through that miserable job. Miserable because it was hard work, and at 21, that was not something I was interested in. The mill is now a business mall, hotel and apartments.

Anyway, I have somehow managed to keep these boots with me through all that time and they still fit and feel great. They are not even close to wearing out.

That fact that I have worn them about 30 times over those 30 years is not really relevant.

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