Sunday, January 22, 2017

A Saturday Post on a Sunday

I am writing you today from the new enhanced Interweb. The phone guys have just left and I made sure all our Interweb compatible components were working. I had to reset it once but everything is cool. It is supposed to be faster now and we are paying less.

We have had a quiet day. It's still pretty warm out and the melt off is continuing. I built a fire this morning and it's been going all day. 

I had to restock the wood pile. I wasn't easy because the auxiliary wood pile is in pretty deep snow. I managed to get it uncovered and got enough wood back in the pile to last us for another day or so.

Sunday, January 22nd, 2017: I have not been able to finish this post because our InterWeb connection has not been working. It has been spotty all day. We even had a problem with the phone...although it seems to be working now. 

It has been raining today so it continues to be sloppy out there. Pot holes are suddenly appearing on the heavily traveled streets and residential streets are strewn with ruts made by the snow. It's quite difficult to navigate some of the side streets.

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